The Ketubah for Converts

Special Text
Converts wishing to get married need a Ketubah with a special text, in this version the fact that he/she is a Ger/Giyoret is stated, it also says that were her husband to pass away she may not marry a Kohen.
The names are written as follows; if they are both Geirim it says,
"אמר החתן יעקב בן אברהם אבינו (או יעקב בן אברהם הגר) להדא גיורתא רחל בת אברהם" ( או לגיורתא דא.או לרחל בת אברהם אבינו וכו')
Even if only one of the two is a convert, it must still be stated in the Ketubah.
Here at Art Chazin you can download this special version of the Ketubah-text for free, we are happy to assist you with any further question you might have regarding the Ketubah.
Download text: Ketubah for Convert
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