A Mistaken Ketubah

The Ketubah's Protection
The Ketubah is an important and essential document which ensures for a successful marriage and the existence of the Jewish home. Besides for the obligations stated to protect the woman financially during the marriage, there are other important elements which safeguard the marriage or G’d forbid the contrary, can cause the failure of a marriage. There have been many stories throughout the ages where couples weren’t having a peaceful marriage, or were suffering from all sorts of troubles, until a mistake was noticed on their Ketubah. As soon as this problem was solved and the mistakes were corrected the other problems disappeared too.
How Mistakes Occur
The mistakes in a Ketubah don’t necessarily happen because of the person writing the Ketubah, sometimes the Bride or Groom gave over the wrong information to the Rabbi officiating the ceremony. They might have made a mistake with the names or details, forgotten to give over all the names (including 2nd names when applicable), or forgot to mention that one of the couple is a Kohen/Levi. Every detail in a Ketubah is of utmost importance and must be written correctly. If a mistake is found, the Ketubah is considered as a disqualified form and a new version must be written.
Such a ketubah is called "כתובה דאשתכח בה טעותא".
A special version for such a Ketubah can be downloaded from our website free of charge.
Download text: Mistaken Ketubah
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